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Lihat: S01 / S02 / S03 / S04 / S05 Keterangan: S = Pemasok. Ustadz / ustadzah èkstra yuniversitèr (S01 - S02). S01: Non Formal: Bu Ining / Ustadz Faqih / Ustadz Amang / Ustadz Misbah Aripin. S02: In-Formal: Ustadz Hèry Hèrdianto  (bunyi 'eu') / Lukmanul Hakim  (tanda baca berdecit tertutup). S03: Règulèr: Pa Èman Sulaèman / Pa Pardi / Pa Agus Sahrom / Pa Aam Amiruddin. S04: Èxtra-Ordinary Heuristik: Tasikmalaya. S05: Yusni Tria Yunda (Yustria):  'eu' Ènglish (alternatif) . PILIHAN:  1  Halaman Utama Katalog .


Suara vokal kedua ini (Alif and Hamzah) sama setiap kali mereka being adding dengan tanda baca yang sama, karena standarnya adalah: 'a', 'i', dan 'u', untuk membuat vokal voices. *(...)KB. Hamzah, in my perceipt, has many useful which induring times its didn't. A brother of my, a cousin: Hery Herdianto, in the year of 2017, said to me that 'Hamzah' letter is not often using in the writing. In the case whenever its function is the same with 'Alif', I learn and thinking: how if the 'Hamzah' be coupling with the 'Alif', in the order to make any other vocal, such as the: 'o', which in the Conventional's Arabic Letter it is didn't exist?. Simple voice of the 'o' for The English Language, it's not mean simplifying for me in the custom of phonethical produce mention of language. We know that are many varios word's structure of English word that has certain rules of spoke, such as: do


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77KB. PILIHAN: 1. Kembali ke: CL-3 .